Special issue
in Memory of Pr.
Michel Terraza
Economics Bulletin
Vol. : xx
Editor : Stéphane Mussard
Mars 2022
Walter Labys
Foreword: Special issue “In memory of Pr. Michel Terraza”
Joseph Deutsch and Jacques Silber
A Summary Measure of Answers to Statements (SMAS) in the Case of Ordered Rating Scales
Amit Shelef and Edna Schechtman
On goodness of fit measures for Gini regression
Arthur Charpentier and Emmanuel Flachaire
Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of changes in means and inequality: A simultaneous approach
Boumediene Souiki and Françoise Seyte
Liquidity on Eurozone Stock Markets: A Non-Linear Approach
Costas Siriopoulos and Dionisis Philippas
Putting Corona into Hedge Fund Managers' Head
Houssam Bouzgarrou , Zied Ftiti , Wael Louhichi , and Mohamed Youssfi
Stock Market Performance Under COVID-19: Evidence From Investor Behavior
Geoffrey Ducournau and Daniel Melhem
Bayesian statistical inference addressed to share prices dynamics' theory
Ange Nsouadi and Virginie Terraza
The multi-scale analysis of dynamic transmission volatility of carbon prices
Ayad Assoil and Jean-Marie Laporte
Underpricing of IPOs : Evidence from the Euronext Paris Market
Yang Mestre Zhou and Roman Mestre
A Continuous Wavelets approach of China opening reforms effects on relationships between Mainland Chinese stock exchanges and Hong Kong
Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani , and Sofiène Omri
The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
Bator Anne and Hervé Blanchard
The housing price index and the number of housing units: a surprising co-movement in France
Stéphane Mussard and Maria Noel Pi Alperin
Risk factors associated to the COVID-19: comparisons between France and Luxembourg